Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Back in Bangkok!

We have finally come full circle and arrived back in Bangkok! It's funny how much of a difference we can see in our behaviors after gaining some travel experience in Southeast Asia. We find ourselves walking in the middle of the street without thinking twice, we aren't afraid to eat at street stalls or drink ice, and Our/Julian's bargaining skills have vastly improved so we don't feel quite as ripped off all the time. Oh, and we sometimes wear the same outfit for 3 days in a row.

This time around we stayed near the famous backpacker haven, Koh San Road. We didn't get a room on the street due to the noisy partying that is known to go on well into the night, but we found a super cheap place nearby called The Merry V Guest House. It was much more like what we had been expecting of guest houses in Thailand from movies and such. If you've seen the movie The Beach with Leo DiCaprio, it was like the place he stayed at in the beginning of the movie.

We ended up staying in town a little longer than planned so we could catch the weekend Chatuchak Market because Mattie really wanted to find those tea cups we saw back in Chiang Mai. Once we got to the market, we did find some similar ones, but none that she really loved enough to either carry around or pay to have shipped home with the risk of them breaking... They weren't cheap either and the shop owners weren't very willing to come down on the price because they were "high quality." It was a bit of a bummer, but life will go on!

The rest of our time there was spent hanging out, getting massages and having one beer too many with some Swedish and Estonian kids we met :) Random dance parties in the street included.

Next stop is the islands and we can't wait to soak up that beautiful sunshine!

- Mattie and Julian

Location:Bangkok, Thailand

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